- Other shrimp species:
- Amano shrimp
- Ghost shrimp
- Vampire shrimp
- Small peaceful fish:
- Neon tetras
- Ember tetras
- Chili rasboras
- Endler's livebearers
- Pencil fish
- Clown killifish
- Bottom-dwelling fish:
- Otocinclus catfish
- Corydoras catfish
- Kuhli loach
- Other invertebrates:
- Thai micro crabs
- Aquarium snails (like nerite snails)
- Select peaceful, non-aggressive species that won't prey on the shrimp.
- Choose small fish that are less likely to view the shrimp as food.
- Provide plenty of hiding places for the shrimp, especially if keeping them with fish.
- Ensure all species have compatible water parameter requirements.