To ensure your cherry shrimp stay healthy and vibrant, follow these key practices:
1. Maintain Stable Water Parameters
- Temperature: Keep between 72-78°F (22-26°C).
- pH: Maintain between 6.5-8.0.
- Mineral Levels: Ensure GH is at least 6° (110 ppm) and KH is at least 2° (40 ppm).
2. Provide a Well-Established Tank
- Setup: Use plenty of live plants for hiding spots and biofilm growth.
- Mature Tank: A tank running for several months is ideal as it contains beneficial microfauna and mulm for grazing.
3. Use Appropriate Filtration
- Filter: Install a sponge filter or cover filter intakes with pre-filter sponges to prevent baby shrimp from being sucked in.
4. Offer a Varied Diet
- Food Sources: Include algae, biofilm, commercial shrimp pellets, algae wafers, and blanched vegetables.
- Nutrient-Rich Diet: Ensure foods rich in calcium and other minerals to support healthy molting.
5. Avoid Copper
- Sensitivity: Cherry shrimp are highly sensitive to copper, so avoid medications or foods containing this element.
6. Provide Hiding Places
- Shelters: Use shrimp caves, dense plants like mosses, and other shelters, especially for molting periods.
7. Choose Compatible Tank Mates
- Peaceful Species: If keeping with fish, select small, peaceful species like small tetras or rasboras that won't prey on the shrimp.
8. Maintain Water Quality
- Regular Changes: Perform regular water changes.
- Monitor: Keep an eye on ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels as cherry shrimp are sensitive to poor water conditions.
9. Avoid Sudden Changes
- Acclimation: Introduce new shrimp slowly to your tank conditions.
- Gradual Adjustments: Make any necessary adjustments to water parameters gradually.
10. Consider a Species-Only Tank
- Best Conditions: For optimal coloration and breeding success, a dedicated cherry shrimp tank can be beneficial.
By following these guidelines, you'll create an optimal environment for your cherry shrimp to thrive, maintain their vibrant colors, and potentially breed successfully.