- Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS)
- Crystal Black Shrimp (CBS)
Origin and Development
- First discovered in 1993 by Hisayasu Suzuki in Japan
- Selectively bred from wild Bee shrimp found in southern China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
- CRS were developed from a red mutation found among Crystal Black Shrimp
Physical Characteristics
- Size: 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.5 cm) in length
- Lifespan: 1-2 years
- CRS: Red and white coloration
- CBS: Black and white coloration
- Transparent body with colored stripes or patches
Grading System
Crystal shrimp are graded based on their color intensity and pattern:- Lowest grade: C
- Intermediate grades: B, A, S
- Highest grade: SS or SSS (also known as "Mosura" grade)
Care Requirements
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 68-77°F (20-25°C)
- pH: 6.0-6.5
- GH: 5.5-7
- KH: 0-2 (optimal 0-1)
- TDS: 100-180 ppm
- EC: 200-300 microsiemens
Tank Setup:
- Minimum tank size: 8 gallons (30 liters)
- Planted aquarium with hiding spots
- Soft, inert substrate (e.g., ADA Aquasoil)
- Omnivorous
- Feed on biofilm, algae, and commercial shrimp foods
- Benefit from foods rich in carotenoids for color enhancement
- Can breed in captivity under proper conditions
- Females carry eggs for about 30 days before hatching
- Offspring may vary in grade and color intensity
Special Considerations
- More sensitive to water conditions than many other shrimp species
- Require stable water parameters due to selective breeding
- Best kept in species-only tanks or with other non-aggressive inhabitants
- Regular water changes and excellent filtration are essential