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Under Gravel Filter System

Under Gravel Filter System

Regular price $34.50 AUD
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The Under Gravel Filter FP101 is an efficient and reliable filtration system designed to maintain optimal water quality in aquariums and fish tanks. This filter system is commonly used in both freshwater and saltwater setups to provide mechanical and biological filtration.

The FP101 filter consists of a plastic grid or plate that is placed at the bottom of the aquarium, underneath the gravel substrate. The plate features multiple evenly spaced slots or holes that allow water to flow through. The gravel serves as a mechanical filter, trapping debris and preventing it from floating freely in the water column.

Water is drawn through the gravel and the plate by means of an air pump or powerhead. These devices create an upward water flow, known as an uplift, which helps to pull water down through the substrate and the filter plate. As water passes through the gravel, it is mechanically filtered, removing particles such as uneaten food, fish waste, and plant matter.

The biological filtration aspect of the FP101 filter occurs within the gravel bed. Beneficial bacteria colonize the surface of the gravel, forming a biofilm. This biofilm breaks down harmful ammonia and nitrite into less toxic nitrate through the process of nitrification. The gravel bed provides ample surface area for bacterial growth and helps to maintain a stable and healthy nitrogen cycle within the aquarium.

We have 2 models:

  • FP101-4 with 4 plates, each plate 29x14.5cm, total cover 58x29cm. The plate can be separate easily to suit your needs.
  • FP101-9 with 9 plates, each plate 29x14.5cm, total cover 86x43cm, especially 2 outputs. The plate can be separate easily to suit your needs.

Setting up an Under Gravel Filter FP101 involves a few steps. Here's a guide to help you with the process:

  1. Gather the necessary equipment: You will need the Under Gravel Filter FP101 kit, an air pump or powerhead, airline tubing, an air stone (if using an air pump), and gravel for the substrate.

  2. Prepare the aquarium: Start by thoroughly cleaning the aquarium, removing any dirt or debris. Rinse the gravel substrate to remove dust and impurities.

  3. Place the filter plate: Lay the filter plate on the bottom of the aquarium. Ensure that it covers the entire surface area of the tank and sits flat on the bottom.

  4. Connect the air pump or powerhead: If you are using an air pump, connect one end of the airline tubing to the pump and the other end to the air stone. Place the air stone at the bottom of the aquarium, near the filter plate. If you are using a powerhead, attach it to the airline tubing and position it in the aquarium to create the desired water flow.

  5. Add the gravel substrate: Pour the cleaned gravel over the filter plate, ensuring that it covers the plate evenly and forms a layer of approximately 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm) in depth. Smooth the gravel out, but avoid compacting it too tightly to allow for water flow.

  6. Adjust the water flow: Turn on the air pump or powerhead and adjust the airflow to create a gentle uplift in the water. The water should flow evenly through the slots or holes in the filter plate and move upwards through the gravel.

  7. Add water and decorations: Fill the aquarium with water, being careful not to disturb the gravel bed. Once the water is added, you can decorate the tank with plants, rocks, and other ornaments as desired.

  8. Start the filtration process: Allow the filter to run for at least 24 hours to establish the biological filtration. This will allow beneficial bacteria to colonize the gravel and begin the nitrogen cycle.

  9. Monitor and maintain: Regularly monitor water parameters such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH levels to ensure a healthy environment for your aquatic inhabitants. Perform routine maintenance, including gravel vacuuming and cleaning the filter plate, as needed.

Remember, every aquarium setup is unique, so it's important to adapt these steps based on your specific tank size and requirements. Following these guidelines should help you set up your Under Gravel Filter FP101 effectively and maintain a clean and healthy aquarium.


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How to Take Care The Shrimps

Taking care of Freshwater aquarium Shrimps (Neocaridina and Caridina) involves providing them with a suitable environment and proper attention to their specific needs. Here are some essential care guidelines:

1. Tank Setup:

  • Shrimp are relatively small and can be kept in tanks as small as 5 gallons (19 liters), but a larger tank allows for more stable water conditions.
  • Provide hiding spots with plants, driftwood, and rocks. Live plants like Java Moss and Java Fern are ideal as they serve as both hiding places and a food source.

2. Water Parameters:

For Neocaridinar (Cherry Shrimps)

  • Temperature: 72-78°F (22-28°C)
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
  • GH (General Hardness): 6-10
  • KH (Carbonate Hardness): 3-10

For Caridina (Taiwan bee, Crystal Shrimps)

  • Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
  • pH: 6.0-6.5
  • GH (General Hardness): 3-5
  • KH (Carbonate Hardness): 0-10

3. Filtration:

  • Use a sponge filter such as Qanvee filter or a gentle flow filter to avoid strong currents that can stress shrimp.

4. Feeding:

  • Shrimp are omnivores and feed on algae, biofilm, and commercial shrimp pellets.
  • Supplement their diet with blanched vegetables like Mulberry leaves, spinach or zucchini.
  • Offer a varied diet to ensure proper nutrition.

5. Water Changes:

  • Perform regular water changes (10-20% weekly) to maintain water quality.
  • Use dechlorinated water at the same temperature and parameters as the tank.

6. Molting:

  • Provide a calcium source, such as our shrimp mineral products or crushed coral, cuttlebone, to support molting.

7. Tank Mates:

  • Shrimp are generally peaceful but can be preyed upon by larger fish.
  • Suitable tank mates include small, non-aggressive fish like guppies or endlers.
  • Avoid aggressive or predatory species.

8. Breeding:

  • Shrimp breed readily in captivity.
  • Provide moss or other dense plant growth for shrimp to hide their eggs.
  • Maintain stable water conditions to encourage breeding.

9. Health and Observation:

  • Regularly observe your Shrimp for signs of stress, illness, or abnormal behavior.
  • Quarantine new arrivals to prevent introducing diseases.

10. Patience:

  • Shrimp keeping can be rewarding but requires patience. Allow your aquarium to mature and stabilize before adding shrimp.

By following these care guidelines, you can create a thriving environment for your Shrimp and enjoy their vibrant colors and fascinating behavior in your aquarium.

How to Acclimate New Shrimps & Fish

Acclimating new aquarium shrimp/fish is crucial to ensure a smooth transition and minimize stress. Follow these steps for proper acclimation:

Materials Needed:

  • A container or bucket.
  • An airline tube or a slow-drip system (optional).
  • A net.


  1. Turn Off Lights: Dim the aquarium lights or turn them off completely to reduce stress on the shrimp/fish.
  2. Float the Bag: Place the sealed bag containing the shrimp on the surface of the aquarium water. This allows the water inside the bag to gradually adjust to the tank temperature.
  3. Drip Acclimation (Optional): If you have an airline tube or a slow-drip system, set it up to provide a gentle flow of water from the tank into the bag. This method is slower but provides a more gradual transition. Adjust the flow rate to about 2-4 drops per second.
  4. Monitor Temperature: Ensure the water temperature inside the bag matches the tank temperature after about 15-20 minutes. This step is essential to prevent temperature shock.
  5. Open Bag and Add Tank Water: Carefully open the bag without allowing shrimp to escape. Using a net or your hand, gently transfer the shrimp into a clean container or bucket. Be cautious not to introduce water from the bag into the container.
  6. Gradual Water Exchange: Over the course of about 30 minutes to an hour, gradually add small amounts of aquarium water to the container with the shrimp/fish. This helps the shrimp adjust to the tank's water parameters.
  7. Net Transfer: After acclimation, use a net to transfer the shrimp from the container into the main aquarium. Avoid adding any water from the acclimation container into the tank.
  8. Dispose of Bag Water: Safely dispose of the water from the bag. Do not release it into your aquarium, as it may contain contaminants or pathogens.
  9. Observe and Monitor: Keep an eye on the newly introduced shrimp/fish for the next few hours to ensure they adapt well to their new environment. Monitor their behavior and look for any signs of stress or illness.

Proper acclimation helps reduce the risk of shock and ensures a smoother transition for your new aquarium creatures. It's an essential step in ensuring their health and well-being in your tank.

Shipping & DOA Policy

  • Concerned about purchasing livestock online? Rest assured, we ship shrimps and other livestock to every corner of NSW, VIC, QLD, and SA weekly, ensuring their safe and healthy arrival. Our Dead on Arrival (DOA) policy is applied to all orders, guaranteeing your peace of mind.
  • Shrimps are carefully packed in a styrofoam box and shipped every Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday early morning to avoid weekend delays. Delivery times generally range from 1 to 3 business days depending on your location.
  • To initiate DOA claims, we kindly ask buyers to contact our dedicated support team either via email at or directly through our website's chat feature. In order to expedite a swift resolution, which may involve resending a new package, issuing a refund, or providing credit for a future order, we kindly request that buyers submit a clear photo of the deceased shrimp(s) inside the unopened bag within a maximum of 1 HOUR from the moment of Australia Post delivery. Your timely communication is pivotal in enabling us to promptly address any concerns and uphold our unwavering commitment to ensuring your satisfaction.

Important Notes Before Buying

  • Please note that our ornamental shrimps are small, with a maximum size of around 2cm. When purchasing, you'll typically receive juveniles or sub-adults measuring approximately 0.8-1.5cm, which may display less vibrant coloration than adults. However, rest assured that they originate from the same colony and offer excellent value for your investment.
  • To ensure the well-being of your shrimp/fish upon arrival, please follow the tracking number and acclimate them by slowly adding tank water to their bag/container for about one hour. This gradual transition helps them adapt to new water parameters and temperatures.
  • The images featured on our website showcase the exceptional individuals and actual shrimps/fish thriving at our facility. However, please keep in mind that as living organisms, we cannot guarantee that the shrimp/fish you purchase will be identical in color and size. Keep in mind that shipping stress may temporarily affect the shrimp's coloration, especially neocaridina species, which can become pale and translucent. However, their colors will return to their vibrant state within a few days under suitable water conditions.
  • Our pricing is based on current stock levels and market rates in Australia. We regularly adjust our prices to provide our customers with the most competitive rates available.
  • If you encounter any issues with the color or quality of the shrimp/fish, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are committed to assisting and resolving any concerns. Thank you for your trust and support!